Thursday, January 15, 2015

New Mom Slacker

So I've been slacking on this whole blog mess. I'm going to blame it on being a sleep-deprived, zombie, forgetful, new mom!

I don't have anything in particular to write about at the moment so this will be some very random thoughts.

Work, school?
Ah. I have so I have a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology. AKA useless... So I really need/want to go back to school, but for what? I hate that I went to UTC. That place seriously sucked. I really should've gone out of state or out of Chattanooga to college, but alas my boyfriend at the time was at UTC so big fail on my part because he sucks just as much. I can't change any of that now, but I should go back to school for something. I had never been so happy to be out of school and now I miss it! I'm sure I will say the exact opposite if I do go back. So next week and this spring I'm going to have to start looking into furthering my education. You would think a bachelor's would be worth more these days. And then my situation becomes more complicated when I have to factor in Lana to all this. What to do with her while mommy is at class? I think UTC and Chatt State have daycares. Maybe online classes? But in what?!

Being a mom is pretty cool I'd say. Lana is incredibly cute. Now that I'm a little less sleep deprived though it would be nice to get out of my house more! At least my clothes almost fit again. Except for my boobs. HOLY BOOBS. Thanks breastfeeding haha! It's really the only reason my shirts don't fit. Still waiting for my jeans to fit again! I think they are now. I have to hook up my elliptical though. I really want to.

Reading. I wish I had time to read more! If I'm not with Lana, I'm doing one of the other million things I need to get done here (LAUNDRY) or I'm too tired or I'm feeding her therefore the TV is on. I'm over it. Netflix is a great friend, but I'm running out of interesting things on there. I can only rewatch these TV series so many times!

So on my next blog I'll post my birth story because that was traumatic and ridiculous and so hard!! Basically Lana didn't want to come out and my body didn't want to let her out. Yay for C-sections! No.

Tuesday with my cutie pie.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I think Facebook makes people unhappy

Facebook is really cool and I use it all the time, obviously. But now I'm starting to feel like it just makes people unhappy for all kinds of reasons. This also applies to Instagram and Twitter though I think.

Facebook makes you think your friends are always doing cool and exciting things. Nobody posts anymore about their boring job, boring day, boring routine. Of course not! We post fun things we are doing! Or we make incredibly mundane things that everybody does seem super fun, "Staying home and watching Netflix with the love of my life! #cuddletime #nothingbetter" Everyone is guilty of this. The problem is when you are at home doing absolutely nothing and you start scrolling through Facebook and you see all your friends doing AWESOME things and having an AWESOME time and you start thinking why the hell am I not doing something awesome too?! The problem is people aren't doing anything more exciting than before or what you think. They just get to share the cool stuff. Your friends are just as lame as you are. :)

Facebook makes you stalk people you hate. It's true. Everyone has stalked an ex or your significant other's ex on Facebook. You may not do it excessively or anymore, but seriously everyone has done it at some point. This just makes getting over someone that much harder. Don't stalk your ex and their significant other or you're going to feel miserable. I swear once you just don't look, you won't care to anymore and then they don't have to exist to you anymore. It's amazing. Facebook just holds all this knowledge and drama from the past that you used to be able to just move on and forget about! Especially if you dated someone for a long time then of course you have pictures on Facebook and instgram with them. And ugh you just want to delete them so bad. DO IT. You're not going to regret it. Exes are exes for a reason. If you get back with them that's an entirely different issue you have not involving Facebook.

Another one is that people get all mad at who you are friends with on Facebook. Ok this is just annoying too. Who cares if your friend is still friends with your ex on Facebook? Maybe they're just too lazy to delete them or maybe they do enjoy stalking them since they didn't date them? This just causes problems that are SOOO unnecessary. And then people get mad and fight. YAY.

I'm sure at some point I'll be guilty of this one. But Facebook makes me unhappy when I have to look at 5-10 pictures of your kid eating breakfast. Seriously no one but you and their grandparents care. OK, I know people want to share pictures of their precious little ones but ONE picture is enough. TAKE ALL THE PICTURES YOU WANT FOR YOURSELF, you'll be glad you did, BUT you don't have to put ALL of them on Facebook. Seriously ONE is enough. Post one for every activity that day and that isn't even as bad. It's the million pictures of your kid playing with a toy or eating that I could scroll through and turn into a video. So unnecessary. I do this now with my dog, I take about 10 pictures of her sleeping, I keep all of them for me because she's the cutest dog in the world and I love her but really no one else cares. That one may not make people unhappy, but it makes me unhappy.

My last thought on why Facebook makes people unhappy has to do with people over sharing. Again, this may not make other people unhappy but it irritates me. Facebook is cool for posting pictures, fun facts, random thoughts, activities, etc. But when you post like 5-10 updates A DAY on Facebook please just stop. There's no other reason. It's just annoying to see you post that many times a day. The other part of this is when people post super personal things on Facebook. GET A JOURNAL. Or a blog?! But people don't want to know you're fighting with your boyfriend or really intimate details about your life online. It's weird! Plus you'll feel dumb when you aren't fighting anymore or everyone knows way too much about you.

It used to be easier before Mypsace came around then Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all the social media outlets that make people feel inadequate, need more friends, not attractive, a whole mess of issues that come about. It's hard. But I am trying to be more separate from my online profiles and just live my life. It makes you so much happier! Of course I like to look at Facebook and post my pictures and share things with my friends that excite me, but it gets out of control so easily. Scale it back, actually have a face to face convo with your friends and I think it will be incredibly refreshing!

Monday, October 13, 2014

I'm Full Term?!

So today I am officially 37 weeks!!! Which means I am full term! OMG!
Basically my baby can come any time and she is fully cooked! Cooked to perfection. Except that she's not done because she is still inside of me. Boo. It's ok I know she still needs more time I am just absolutely ready to meet this little girl!
This is how most women feel at this point. Belly button popping out and all! LOL
So Since I'm 37 weeks I thought I would give an update on all my stats and things like that :)
Baby size: A watermelon.
Approx. weight and height (based on average): 19-22in, 6.5lbs
How momma is feeling: I actually feel pretty good! I get tired easily but no major complaints! Sleeping is a little difficult because no position is entirely comfortable. I don't sleep for very long because I have to go to the bathroom so often and I toss and turn. I wake up at about 8am every single day and sometimes I can go back to sleep, but most of the time I'm just up.
Movement: this baby has always been super active and a very strong kicker! Now she rolls a lot but she likes to push her feet out as far as she possibly can. She also wriggles her hands and head on my bladder quite a bit. It's uncomfortable and kind of weird.
Progress?: I'm pretty sure she has dropped, but some days there is more lower pressure than others. Last week I was only a 1cm dilated...barely. We are going to the doctor later today though to check again! I've graduated to weekly appointments! Woohoo! I'm still hoping she's an October baby and I don't have to be induced but if I get to my due date and she's not here, she will be by the weekend. :)
Overall my pregnancy has not been that bad. I've handled it the worst I'm sure. The worst symptom I had was raging hormones. And I'm pretty emotional/sensitive anyways so it has just been like that the entire time. But smooth sailing other than that! I'm really lucky!
So now I'm just focusing on staying busy and active as much as possible. I have everything she needs (I think), I need a few more things for myself, but I have our bags packed just in case and I think we are going to load them up in the car this week! Just in case we are in Chatt and I have to go to the hospital we can't really drive all the way back and then back to Chatt again. So unnecessary. My awesome friend Jen has already promised to watch Penny and feed my kitty cats so everyone is taken care of! Amber is going to come visit and help me when I get home from the hospital because she loves me and I'm spoiled. I guess we are ready?!?!
Just waiting on you Baby W! We can't wait to meet you!
Oh and in case anyone is still wondering, her name is a surprise until she's born. NO ONE KNOWS. Sorry! Soon enough everyone will know. :)
So here is me today at 37weeks!
And just for comparison, this was 27 and 1/2 weeks. When people were asking me if I as about to pop. Idiots.
I'll be feeling like this lovely cat soon. SOON.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Stop hating on other momma's choices!

So I had this thought when I was being berated and severely questioned about whether or not I planned to breastfeed my child.

I just want to start off by saying if you're just a co-worker/acquaintance/COMPLETE STRANGER there really isn't any reason for you to know this... Not that I'm not relatively open with my choices, but it just feels like a strange inquiry of something you really don't need to know about my life. Again, I'll probably tell you because that's how I am, but still weird.

Basically this lady at work (I do work with her) asked me if I planned on breastfeeding. I told her I want to, but I'm not against using formula or anything like that I just figure that breastfeeding is free and seems kind of cool and I definitely want to experience it! But if it doesn't work out I won't be upset, my wallet will just be sad for the cost of formula.

Seriously you would've thought I said I was not going to feed my baby anything at all. She started saying how much better breastfeeding is and how I would deprive my child of that if I didn't and I really should for as long as I possibly could because it is SOOOO much better for them and she won't get as sick and have less problems, etc. All because of breastmilk over formula.

It really just kind of pissed me off. And it made me think I know a lot of people (WHO DON'T EVEN HAVE BABIES CURRENTLY OR EVER), mostly women, have super strong opinions about why breastfeeding is so much better and if I don't do it I'm selfish or gave up too easily or whatever.

I just don't believe this at all! Formula wouldn't be an accepted alternative if it was really that detrimental to a baby's development. I don't even feel like I can say breastfeeding is a "better" choice. What if you don't have that choice?!

So I just want to say, STOP hating on women who choose to give their babies formula instead of breastfeeding. You don't know their situation, you don't know why they decided this and really it's none of your business and their child is going to be just fine. It just feels like such a shameful thing that women are hating on other women for! What if a baby is adopted? So therefore that baby is inferior because it never received breastmilk? What if the mom just cannot produce milk for whatever reason? I mean to me it starts to be on the level of well if she can't get pregnant she's not a real woman. NO. Ridiculous! Breastfeeding doesn't seem to come as naturally as people think it does for some women! I mean I haven't tried yet so I can't say for sure, but everyone is still different and I think this would still affect people in different ways.

So can we just stop hating on women for their choices as a mother? I think we all try to do the best we possibly can and we are all always learning. Pregnancy takes a lot out of you so excuse some women if they don't have the energy to fight with breastfeeding. Newborns are kind of demanding.

If you personally don't feel like formula is an acceptable substitute for breastfeeding, THEN DON'T DO IT FOR YOUR CHILD and a different momma make her own choice. CHOICES. It's something we have now and I think it's great! So support your fellow women, mothers, and soon-to-be mommas with the choices that they make and stop the hating on either side!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

10 things you should not say/ask pregnant women

My personal list of 10 things you should not ask/say to a pregnant women. Or maybe just me. This mainly applies to strangers or people I don't know that well. If we are friends I will totally answer any and all pregnant questions because I had no idea until I was pregnant either. Although some of these things you shouldn't say to me if we are friends! Mean!!!
  1. Are you sure it's not twins?!don't think they missed an entire person in my stomach.

  2. Did you get pregnant on purpose? Ok does it really matter, because it's happening either way. And are you asking about my sex life/birth control habits? Because that's weird.
  3. How much weight have you gained? Friends, I don't care because we are friends! But seriously strangers ask me this. Why is that appropriate? I don't say wow you've gotten fat, how much weight have you put on?! My doctor weighs me every time, trust me I'm aware of my weight gain.

  4. Are you planning to breast feed? I hate this for two reasons. One, why the hell do you need to know that?! I don't know you! Two, I know you're just judging whatever answer I give you so please back off.
  5. I hope you're married. This is a loaded statement/question. You're not perfect, don't judge me and I won't judge you. I'm an adult, 24 year old college graduate. Thanks. Seriously a random person said this to me. Goddddd

  6. Wow you are not going to make it to November! Yea, thanks.
  7. You're huge already/wow you've gotten big!  Ok just screw you. Seriously not appropriate! I'm still a woman I don't want to hear that. Plus you think I don't know?!?!?
  8. Aren't you uncomfortable? I'M PREGNANT! Of course I am, why are you asking me this?! I mean it'll be worth it in the end, but you don't have to remind me!
  9. Well you should sleep while you can! Again, I can't freaking sleep now. I have a tiny person moving around inside me at 1am and I get up to pee every two hours AND it's hard to get comfortable with an ever growing stomach. So please just shut up.
  10. You're about to pop! I hate you and I have two months left. I am 5ft tall! My baby had nowhere to go! Don't say this PLEASE.
Also, keep in mind some women are self conscious when their stomachs stay really small. They don't want to hear they look small for how far along they are either, you'll send them into a panic!!!
Basically, if you see a pregnant women, it does not mean are social etiquette is gone and you can say whatever you want to her. She is still a woman! Just go with compliments! You might make their day. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

My favorite pregnant pinterest links

I just thought this might be helpful for preggo mommas out there! These are my favorite links to other blogs and random places with pregnancy articles/lists/info! Enjoy!

This one is just funny!

Some good tips!

Her blog is just awesome. This particular post is about how to prevent excess weight gain. But like I said the entire blog is awesome.

I like this because it reminds you about your loving partner!!

 This is one of my favorites too! It's funny and wonderful.

 OK well I hope those links help out! I have more about new babies that I'll post in another blog. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Please judge me.

Ok so I've been thinking about this for awhile and experiencing it more and more at work and public as my belly grows, and I'm sure pregnant women everywhere can relate.

Why does being pregnant mean you can say whatever you want to me? Especially as a stranger? Why do you suddenly have a strong opinion about very personal things in my life? Every single day this happens to me at work. I try really hard to ignore it, but sometimes it is just frustrating beyond belief.

The worst was a few weeks ago at work. This older man came in (first of all he was being annoyingly weird anyways talking to me in Spanish to be funny? I don't know it was odd I just ignore it.) He says to me, "Oh you're expecting a baby." I respond yes I am then he has the audacity to say, "Well I hope you're married, I didn't see a ring on your finger." I was in such shock that a complete stranger would say that to me I just said nope and took him to his table. I'm sorry but EFF YOU. Seriously?! How can you say that to someone you don't even know?!

It really just aggravated me the more I thought about it. Why do you get to judge me for that? You don't know anything about me! Thank god this isn't true, but what if something really bad had happened to me to get me pregnant? You never know! Aside from that, I bet this man would have a much stronger opinion if I had decided to have an abortion! So screw you old man!

My baby has two parents that will love her more than anything in the world and we love each other very much. She has two wonderful families that are supportive me and Ben 100% and already love her so very much. I am 24 years old, I have graduated from college, yes I am struggling a little bit right now, but I have many opportunities available for me. My daughter will always have a father in her life that loves her because I know Ben already loves her.

I'm sorry I am not married. Yes, I did this very much out of order from normal and it has been difficult some times, but I am healthy, my baby is healthy and I'm doing the best that I can. My child is not loved any less by her ENTIRE FAMILY because we are not legally married.

*Sigh* people have no tact.

Anyways, some other rude comments I get frequently:
- You're only having one baby?
- You're due any day now? No? Wow you're going to be huge!
- You're going to breastfeed right? You should

There were more but the one that gets me is people saying you're only 7 months?! Oh my gosh you're going to be huge!!! OK thank you I had no idea my stomach was so large, I really can't help that! I am only 5ft tall people! My torso is tiny! I was a 10lb baby when I was born and Ben is over 6ft tall! I can't help it! All of my weight is in my stomach (well a little bit in my butt and hips, but hey that's normal) and I'm not planning to lose weight right now! Sheesh people! Yes a lot of women look much better than me pregnant but I have no room anywhere else. Baby and I are working with what we got.

So after that, thank you to all the strangers who say really lovely things to me. Telling me I look beautiful pregnant and I'm carrying it well and that I'm glowing and my hair is lovely. I really appreciate it. I will talk to you all day long about my baby!

Ok so this is 8 weeks pregnant. Nothing. Tiny little bloating but nada on the baby bump. But I'm glad I took this pic for comparison!

~14 weeks. My belly starting showing really early on. I wasn't doing anything different, I think I am just small and my torso is short! Sorry baby!

~21 weeks. THAT is a baby. haha!

26 weeks ish at the beach last week! Yep I wore a bikini the whole time. I am not ashamed!

This is today at 27weeks and 3 days. I am not about to pop (hopefully) and stop with the huge comments! I FREAKING KNOW! I'm the one walking around with it all day and can't get comfy! But overall I really love my baby bump, no matter how big it is! I love feeling my baby wiggle all day, except when she gets rough, which she does. And being pregnant is one of the coolest things I've ever experienced in my life. But I will be very happy to have a beer again soon. soon. lol!