Monday, October 13, 2014

I'm Full Term?!

So today I am officially 37 weeks!!! Which means I am full term! OMG!
Basically my baby can come any time and she is fully cooked! Cooked to perfection. Except that she's not done because she is still inside of me. Boo. It's ok I know she still needs more time I am just absolutely ready to meet this little girl!
This is how most women feel at this point. Belly button popping out and all! LOL
So Since I'm 37 weeks I thought I would give an update on all my stats and things like that :)
Baby size: A watermelon.
Approx. weight and height (based on average): 19-22in, 6.5lbs
How momma is feeling: I actually feel pretty good! I get tired easily but no major complaints! Sleeping is a little difficult because no position is entirely comfortable. I don't sleep for very long because I have to go to the bathroom so often and I toss and turn. I wake up at about 8am every single day and sometimes I can go back to sleep, but most of the time I'm just up.
Movement: this baby has always been super active and a very strong kicker! Now she rolls a lot but she likes to push her feet out as far as she possibly can. She also wriggles her hands and head on my bladder quite a bit. It's uncomfortable and kind of weird.
Progress?: I'm pretty sure she has dropped, but some days there is more lower pressure than others. Last week I was only a 1cm dilated...barely. We are going to the doctor later today though to check again! I've graduated to weekly appointments! Woohoo! I'm still hoping she's an October baby and I don't have to be induced but if I get to my due date and she's not here, she will be by the weekend. :)
Overall my pregnancy has not been that bad. I've handled it the worst I'm sure. The worst symptom I had was raging hormones. And I'm pretty emotional/sensitive anyways so it has just been like that the entire time. But smooth sailing other than that! I'm really lucky!
So now I'm just focusing on staying busy and active as much as possible. I have everything she needs (I think), I need a few more things for myself, but I have our bags packed just in case and I think we are going to load them up in the car this week! Just in case we are in Chatt and I have to go to the hospital we can't really drive all the way back and then back to Chatt again. So unnecessary. My awesome friend Jen has already promised to watch Penny and feed my kitty cats so everyone is taken care of! Amber is going to come visit and help me when I get home from the hospital because she loves me and I'm spoiled. I guess we are ready?!?!
Just waiting on you Baby W! We can't wait to meet you!
Oh and in case anyone is still wondering, her name is a surprise until she's born. NO ONE KNOWS. Sorry! Soon enough everyone will know. :)
So here is me today at 37weeks!
And just for comparison, this was 27 and 1/2 weeks. When people were asking me if I as about to pop. Idiots.
I'll be feeling like this lovely cat soon. SOON.

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