Thursday, October 23, 2014

I think Facebook makes people unhappy

Facebook is really cool and I use it all the time, obviously. But now I'm starting to feel like it just makes people unhappy for all kinds of reasons. This also applies to Instagram and Twitter though I think.

Facebook makes you think your friends are always doing cool and exciting things. Nobody posts anymore about their boring job, boring day, boring routine. Of course not! We post fun things we are doing! Or we make incredibly mundane things that everybody does seem super fun, "Staying home and watching Netflix with the love of my life! #cuddletime #nothingbetter" Everyone is guilty of this. The problem is when you are at home doing absolutely nothing and you start scrolling through Facebook and you see all your friends doing AWESOME things and having an AWESOME time and you start thinking why the hell am I not doing something awesome too?! The problem is people aren't doing anything more exciting than before or what you think. They just get to share the cool stuff. Your friends are just as lame as you are. :)

Facebook makes you stalk people you hate. It's true. Everyone has stalked an ex or your significant other's ex on Facebook. You may not do it excessively or anymore, but seriously everyone has done it at some point. This just makes getting over someone that much harder. Don't stalk your ex and their significant other or you're going to feel miserable. I swear once you just don't look, you won't care to anymore and then they don't have to exist to you anymore. It's amazing. Facebook just holds all this knowledge and drama from the past that you used to be able to just move on and forget about! Especially if you dated someone for a long time then of course you have pictures on Facebook and instgram with them. And ugh you just want to delete them so bad. DO IT. You're not going to regret it. Exes are exes for a reason. If you get back with them that's an entirely different issue you have not involving Facebook.

Another one is that people get all mad at who you are friends with on Facebook. Ok this is just annoying too. Who cares if your friend is still friends with your ex on Facebook? Maybe they're just too lazy to delete them or maybe they do enjoy stalking them since they didn't date them? This just causes problems that are SOOO unnecessary. And then people get mad and fight. YAY.

I'm sure at some point I'll be guilty of this one. But Facebook makes me unhappy when I have to look at 5-10 pictures of your kid eating breakfast. Seriously no one but you and their grandparents care. OK, I know people want to share pictures of their precious little ones but ONE picture is enough. TAKE ALL THE PICTURES YOU WANT FOR YOURSELF, you'll be glad you did, BUT you don't have to put ALL of them on Facebook. Seriously ONE is enough. Post one for every activity that day and that isn't even as bad. It's the million pictures of your kid playing with a toy or eating that I could scroll through and turn into a video. So unnecessary. I do this now with my dog, I take about 10 pictures of her sleeping, I keep all of them for me because she's the cutest dog in the world and I love her but really no one else cares. That one may not make people unhappy, but it makes me unhappy.

My last thought on why Facebook makes people unhappy has to do with people over sharing. Again, this may not make other people unhappy but it irritates me. Facebook is cool for posting pictures, fun facts, random thoughts, activities, etc. But when you post like 5-10 updates A DAY on Facebook please just stop. There's no other reason. It's just annoying to see you post that many times a day. The other part of this is when people post super personal things on Facebook. GET A JOURNAL. Or a blog?! But people don't want to know you're fighting with your boyfriend or really intimate details about your life online. It's weird! Plus you'll feel dumb when you aren't fighting anymore or everyone knows way too much about you.

It used to be easier before Mypsace came around then Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all the social media outlets that make people feel inadequate, need more friends, not attractive, a whole mess of issues that come about. It's hard. But I am trying to be more separate from my online profiles and just live my life. It makes you so much happier! Of course I like to look at Facebook and post my pictures and share things with my friends that excite me, but it gets out of control so easily. Scale it back, actually have a face to face convo with your friends and I think it will be incredibly refreshing!

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